The inaugural PSC 2022 aims to bring together petrochemical producers, consumers, academic institutes, policy makers, non-profit organisations and other stakeholders to discuss the pathways by which Malaysian and regional petrochemicals companies and the petrochemical value chain can support global net-zero ambitions.

The event aims to support the regional petrochemical industry and the value chain through this challenging time by facilitating knowledge sharing on key climate related topics at the conference to start planning their own climate related actions.

This conference will be first in a series of subsequent conferences providing a platform for all MPA members and beyond to engage with key stakeholders and seek support to navigate their climate related transitions. In doing so, we will ultimately be able to support the overall climate aspirations for Malaysia and the region.

The Theme:

The inaugural PSC 2022 will focus on three key areas to support petrochemical players and their stakeholder’s sustainability journey

Conference Agenda:

Who Should Attend:

  • Academia
  • Additives & Catalyst Manufacturers
  • Alternative Energy Players
  • Brand Owners
  • Convertors & Recyclers
  • Digital Solutions Providers
  • Engineering, Procurement and Construction Companies
  • Equipment Suppliers
  • Feedstock Suppliers
  • Industrial Park
  • Industry Experts
  • Investment and Finance Companies
  • Local & Regional Authorities
  • Logistics / Transporters
  • Market & Management Consultants
  • Ministries, Regulators & Government Agencies
  • NGO’s, Consumer Associations and Other Interest Groups
  • Oil, Gas & Energy Producers
  • Petrochemicals, Chemicals & Oleochemicals Players
  • Process Technology Providers / Licensors
  • Project Developers & Retailers
  • Refiners
  • Related Media Channels & Partners
  • Standards & Certification Bodies
  • Utilities Providers (Power, Water & Gas)

Benefits to Attendees:

  • Become more aware of the challenges and opportunities for the petrochemical industry and its value chain.
  • Learn about the latest technologies that can support the industry transition.
  • Interact with key policy makers and learn how new policies can support the industry transition.
  • Have questions answered directly by experts in the industry, government and academia.
  • Network with professionals and thought leaders (movers and shakers’) impacting the petrochemical sector and beyond.
  • Learn from customers about their latest sustainability needs.

PSC 2022 Conference Ticket Rates:

  • Early Bird Rates for registration by 15 August 2022
  • 2 – Day Full Conference Access. Includes Daily Networking Lunches, Daily Coffee Breaks and One (1) Gala Dinner
  • 10% discount applies for Group rate (single registration of 4 people & above)

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